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       江西科越科技有限公司成立于2002年,坐落于“中國碳酸鈣之鄉”一 江西省永豐縣工業園南區。


       公司生產超微細重質碳酸鈣、超微細活性碳酸鈣、濕法改性納米碳酸鈣三大系列十多個品種,可生產400日- 8000目產品,年產銷量50萬噸;產品已廣泛應用于塑料、橡膠、涂料、油墨、膠黏劑、造紙等行業;年產2萬噸功能性母料,廣泛應用于PE、PP、ABS、PBT、TPE、TPR等塑料的吹膜、注塑擠出、拉絲、中空吹塑、吸塑等生產工藝,以及無紡布、管材、電線電纜、流延膜、充氣產品等領域。

       2006年品牌太陽圣火注冊申請; 2009年 品牌太陽圣火正式由工商行政管理審核通過;這個品牌太陽圣火一直延用至今。

       近年來,科越科技攜手國內上下游客戶,在高校科研院所專家的支持下,不斷進行技術創新與改革,推動自身與產業在不斷的技術進步和產業升級中發展壯大,公司先后榮獲中國“重鈣十強”,中國最美碳酸鈣企業,中國濕法碳酸鈣十大品牌,江西省重點規模以上企業界的“光彩之星”;江西省建設銀行AAA級信用企業,江西省高新技術企業;江西省著名商標,江西省專精特新中小企業,吉安市王牌企業等榮譽稱號。通過了ISO9000質量管理體系認證; ISO14001環境管理體系認證。


       Jiangxi Keyue Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002, is located in the "hometown of calcium carbonate in China" - Yongfeng  County, Jiangxi Province, the southern industrial park.The company has a total investment of 190 million yuan, covering an area of 160mu, with 360 employees, including 19 senior engineers, 36 junior and middle-level engineers and technicians, strong technical force; the company has two calcium carbonate mines with good grade, high whiteness and large reserves, two production lines for wet-process modification of nanometer calcium carbonate and 12 production lines for superfine and heavy calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate
slurry production line 8, functional masterbatch production line 5.The company specializes in the production of ultra-fine heavy calcium carbonate, ultra-fine activated calcium carbonate, wet modified nano-calcium carbonate three series of more than 10 varieties, can produce 400 mesh- 8000 mesh products, annual output and sales of 500,000 tons; products have been widely used in plastics, rubber, coatings, inks, adhesives, paper and other industries; annual output of 20,000 tons of functional; Masterbatch, widely used in PE, PP, ABS, PBT, TPE, TPR and other plastic blowing film, injection extrusion, drawing, hollow blow molding, plastic absorption and other
production processes, as well as non-woven fabrics, pipes, wires and cables, tape film, inflatable products and other fields.The application for registration of the brand solar torch in 2006, the official approval of the brand solar torch by the industry and Commerce Administration in 2009, the brand solar torch has been in use so far.In recent years, with the support of well-known experts in scientific research institutes of universities, Kobe-Vietnam Science and Technology has been carrying out technological innovation and reform to promote the development and growth of itself and its industry in the continuous technological progress and industrial upgrading. The
company has won the top ten in China, the most beautiful calcium carbonate enterprise in China, and the most beautiful calcium carbonate enterprise in China. Top ten brands of wet calcium carbonate are brilliant stars' of Enterprises above key scale in Jiangxi Province; AAA credit enterprise of Jiangxi Construction Bank; high-tech enterprise of Jiangxi Province; famous trademark of Jiangxi Province; special and new medium-sized enterprises of Jiangxi Province; and trump enterprise of Jian City. It has passed IS09000 quality management system cerification and ISO14001 environmental management system certification.


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地址:江西省永豐縣工業園南區   客服熱線:400-915-1979   手機:13507961788   客服郵箱:1565673466@qq .com

版權所有:江西科越科技有限公司   贛ICP備2022002264號   網站建設:中企動力   南昌   SEO標簽